Smart monitoring Smart monitoring

Smart monitoring

An Van Wesenbeeck An Van Wesenbeeck

Our lamp is more than a light source; with residents' permission to share images and or poses, it becomes a smart assistant. Smart roles such as Live view, CheckMate, automatic night lights, and a morning greeting are activated as a result. These increase security and comfort while keeping privacy strictly protected in accordance with GDPR guidelines.


After residents' consent and activation of the smart monitoring, the following applications are possible

  • Live view --> Activate to see an abstract view of the resident when they are in their room but not in bed, visible by clicking on their name in the dashboard.
  • CheckMate --> Activate to have a Nobi expert check the fall escalation of the lamp (anonymized images are shared).
  • Escalation data --> Specify what type of data can be accessed when a fall is detected.
    • No image
    • Image with abstract image of resident (anonymized).
    • Actual image


  • Night light --> Activate this functionality as a fall prevention measure. The light automatically turns on at night when getting out of bed and automatically turns off when returning to bed.
    • only works if the smart roles are activated for a single room
    • never works on a double room
  • Greeting --> Activate to receive morning updates from the Nobi lamp (date, temperature...) so the resident can get used to the voice of the Nobi device.
    • only works if the smart roles are activated for a single room
    • never works on a double room
  • Sound
    • Activate the voice of the Nobi device when a fall is detected
      • No voice (recommended for residents with cognitive impairments)
      • Ask for fall confirmation, confirm calling for help (default)
    • when dealing with a resident in a double room, the resident settings that are most restrictive will be applied

For a one-person unit, the privacy settings of the paired resident will apply

For a two-person unit, the privacy policy of the resident that is most restrictive will be applied

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