In the nobi application you can choose a language on three levels:
- Organisation
- User
- Resident
1. Resident
The chosen language here will be used by the lamp for speaking to the resident:
- Morning greeting
- To address the resident after a fall
- To address the resident after using the panic button
2. Site
The chosen language here has no direct active function.
If in the escalation procedure a contact is added who is not a user of the application, the escalation call to this contact will be performed in the language of the organisation.
3. User
The chosen language here determines:
- The language in which the application is presented to the user.
- The language that will be used when the escalation call is made to this user if the user data were synchronized when added to the escalation procedure.
4. An example after an escalation of a fall:
- Organisation : English
- User: French
- Resident: Dutch
- Contact in the escalation procedure, not known as a user (speaking German).
The nobi lamp will ask the resident in Dutch if he has fallen.
If the 1st person to call is:
- not known as a user in the application, only added to the escalation procedure
- the call will be performed in the language of the organisation: English (not German)
If the 1st person to call is:
- a user of the application and synchronized in the escalation procedure: the language of the call is French
If the 1st person to call is:
- a user of the application and not synchronized when added to the escalation procedure: the language of the call is English.
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