How to add an Escalation Procedure? How to add an Escalation Procedure?

How to add an Escalation Procedure?

Fredy Solano Fredy Solano

In the Nobi Dashboard it is really visible when there is no escalation procedure active for a resident. It is marked in red in the residents compartment.

The red notification stays in place as long as there is no escalation procedure active on one of the 3 levels.


In the Nobi application you can add an escalation procedure on 3 levels:

  • Site: valid for ALL  the residents in the Site.
  • Department: valid for all the residents in that department.
  • Housing unit: only valid for the resident connected to this housing unit.

The workflow how to add an escalation procedure stays the same on each level.

First choose the level you want to add the escalation procedure. Within a site it usually is the department level.

  • Click in the Nobi Menu on “Departments”.
  • Click on the “Edit” button at the end of the department of your choice


  • Click on “Escalation procedure” in the department.

  • Silent escalations: the question whether the resident has fallen or not, is skipped. Nobi informs immediately that help is on the way. The option to talk with the resident remains possible. The option to undo an escalation by saying “No” is no longer available.


  • Install an escalation procedure by adding contacts  = channels.
  • Is the “channel” an identified user in the Nobi application, you use preferably the drop down you find when clicking on “User”. The data of the chosen user get synchronized with the data of the channel in the escalation procedure.



  • Is the contact/channel not a user of the Nobi application or a phone number of a department: fill out the details manually.


  • Channel: the way to make contact: mobile phone, landline, email.
  • Name: name you give the contact/channel: Department 3, Care Staff,…
  • Value: fill out the phone number, email account according to the choice made in channel.
  • Use the “Add” button to put the channel in the escalation procedure.
  • If you add an email account, it is put in an additional list only for emailing. These channels will receive only an email in case of escalation of a fall.
  • The added phone number is put in a separate list underneath the mailing list.
  • If more than one phone number is added , you can adjust the ranking by using the little icon in front of the channel: drag and drop the contact in the position you want it to be.


  • Removing a channel/contact is done by using the dustbin at the back of the channel.
  • If the escalation procedure needs to be removed entirely, you can ONLY do this with the “Erase configuration” button.
  • Note: if you remove all channels one by one using the dustbin, you still need to push the “Erase configuration” button. Once the button is no longer visible, the escalation procedure is erased/completely empty.
  • Erasing the whole procedure makes the message in red reappear in the dashboard of the residents.



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